Play-a-thon raffle-event details

How does this work?

Band and Choir members help support the music program by selling raffle tickets. We strongly encourage each music student to sell tickets to neighbors, friends, and family members. Each music student receives an envelope with 24 tickets and every effort should be made to sell all of them. We are seeking 100% participation in student raffle ticket sales.

Checks should be made out to BHS Music Boosters. On the ticket, write only the purchaser’s name and phone number. Put the small portion of the ticket with the name and phone number along with the money in the envelope with your name, and deposit it into the Play-a-thon Box in the Music Room. The purchaser keeps the other half of the ticket. Return any unsold tickets, but PLEASE try and sell as many as you can. All monies and unsold tickets should be returned in your envelope to the Play-a-thon Box in the Music Room by Tuesday, April 19, 2022. For additional tickets contact Mrs. Yamamoto.

Is there anything else?

There will be a special student drawing for students who return their tickets by Tuesday, April 19th. For every eight raffle tickets sold, a student receives one entry to the special participation drawing on the day of the Play-a-thon. The more tickets you sell, the more chances you have to win!

3 Participation Winners: $ 50 cash

Band or Choir Student that sells most tickets: $75 cash

How much are tickets?

1 ticket for $3 / 4 tickets for $ 10 / 8 tickets for $20

What are the raffle prizes?

The drawing will be held at 2:30 PM the day of the event.

First Prize $100 cash

Second Prize $75 cash

Third Prize $50 cash

Winners do not need to be present to win.

Who can I contact with raffle questions?

Christina Habelt (, June Hee ( and Judy Gum ( are the raffle co-chairs. They are happy to answer your question.