Even more...
Executive Board and Administrative Support
Every year the leadership of Music Boosters changes as parents "age out" (their students graduate). This constant turnover creates many opportunities for new parents to join in the fun and bring fresh and interesting ideas for enhancing the Music Boosters deliverables in support of its mission. The Board comprises the following positions (and current office holders):
Co-President: John Radzyminski (jradzyminski@yahoo.com)
Co-President: Gretchen Kindberg (gretchen.kindberg@gmail.com)
VP Choir: ** OPEN **
Vp Band: ** OPEN **
VP's Play-a-thon: George Lee (geolee@247pro.com) & Hu Li (huli1104@gmail.com)
VP Communications: Leslie Tong (leslieatong@gmail.com)
VP Fundraising: Kristin Dokoza (kdokoza@yahoo.com)
Treasurer: Andrew Haskell (haskellandrew@icloud.com)
Recording Secretary: ** OPEN **
Parent Group Representative: Maree Hay (ghaysingapore@gmail.com)
Webmaster: Gustavo Cardenas (gcardenas71@hotmail.com)
Corresponding Secretary: Sonal Gopalla (sonalgopalla@gmail.com)
Click here to contact Music Boosters for information about open board positions and other volunteering opportunities.