About BHS Music Boosters
Burlingame High School Music Boosters is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) volunteer organization designed to help parent volunteers support music at BHS. All parents of music program students are encouraged to be part of Music Boosters. Parent volunteers contribute in many ways, including financial donations, support for performances, assisting with fund-raisers, chaperoning on trips, and managing uniforms. Volunteer here, or contact any of the Music Boosters Executive Board parent leadership group. For academic year 2023-2024 the Executive Board membership is listed below.
Co-President: John Radzyminski (jradzyminski@yahoo.com)
Co-President: Gretchen Kindberg (gretchen.kindberg@gmail.com)
VP Choir: ** OPEN **
Vp Band: ** OPEN **
VP's Play-a-thon: George Lee (geolee@247pro.com) & Hu Li (huli1104@gmail.com)
VP Communications: Leslie Tong (leslieatong@gmail.com)
VP Fundraising: Kristin Dokoza (kdokoza@yahoo.com)
Treasurer: Andrew Haskell (haskellandrew@icloud.com)
Recording Secretary: ** OPEN **
Parent Group Representative: Maree Hay (ghaysingapore@gmail.com)
Webmaster: Gustavo Cardenas (gcardenas71@hotmail.com)
Corresponding Secretary: Sonal Gopalla (sonalgopalla@gmail.com )
Click here to contact Music Boosters if you are interested in volunteering for the OPEN positions.
Who should volunteer to be part of BHS Music Boosters?
You can view all the volunteer opportunities here, but in short we need your help with:
Our annual fundraiser - the play-a-thon - by helping with logistics and setup/teardown, bringing baked goods for sale, staffing commercial operations, supporting raffle ticket sales, and many more
Uniforms – fitting students for marching uniforms, tuxedos and dresses
Scholarship Committee Members and Chair Person (non-Senior parents)
Being a chaperone for festivals and trips
Staffing the executive committee
Please email the Music Boosters President with your volunteer job request and any questions you may have. We also are requesting new parents to email us their email addresses. The SMUHSD does not provide us that information.