
Be Part Of It!

The Play-a-thon is a beloved Burlingame tradition, an important fundraiser for the BHS Music Department and a meaningful community event.  Bands and choirs will perform continuously in Washington Park (on Carolan side) and make a special trip up and down Burlingame Avenue. This year, the Play-A-Thon is on Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.

The Music Boosters sponsors the Play-a-thon. As a parent of music students, you are a Music Booster. Together with our musicians’ amazing directors, we make the music programs sing! 

What are we raising money for?

The Music Boosters’ fundraising revenue is an essential supplement to the school budget. 

The Play-A-Thon funds about 1/3 of the Music Boosters $40,00 annual budget. That’s why your participation is vital!

If you have questions, contact Co-VPs of Play-A-Thon Hu Li ( )  & George Lee (