Burlingame High School Music Programs
New to the Music Programs at BHS? Click/press HERE to receive important email communications.Â
Questions or comments you'd like the Music Boosters Executive Committee to consider? Attend a Music Boosters meeting or submit them online here.Â
Introduction to music at Burlingame High School
The BHS Music Department band and choir classes are open to all BHS students and begin on the first day of school as part of the students’ regular class schedule.Â
The Band Program and the The Choral Program are both directed by BHS Music Director Kyoko Yamamoto.
The BHS bands and choirs entertain at home football and basketball games, pep rallies, community events, parades, graduation, and numerous concerts. As part of the music education curriculum, all band classes combine together to form the Marching Band and Pep Band. In addition the band and choral ensembles annually compete at Music Festivals such as Heritage Festivals and California Music Educators Association (CMEA) Festivals.
Those enrolled in band and choir are also offered an opportunity to audition for Jazz Band and Chamber Singers (note that Chamber Singers meet after school). Auditions are in the spring for the following school year.Â
Connect and contribute
We will strive to keep the music calendar up-to-date. So come here to view it or subscribe to it.Â
Email is the primary method of communicating with all students and parents, so register here to stay in the know. (No need to register if you already receive emails from Music Boosters)
Donations are critical to covering our music program costs. Donate here to ensure a quality educational experience continues.Â
Upcoming Events and Announcements
Panda Express Fundraiser - 12pm -10pm
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Support BHS Music and dine at Panda Express on Burlingame Ave.
If you order online, enter 3833280 in the fundraiser code box.
If you order in person, show this flyer on your phone or bring a paper copy.
20% of the proceeds go to BHS Music!
Save the Date: Rummage Sale on Sunday, March 9
We're looking for items to sell! If you have any gently used clothing, shoes, books, toys, games, household items, personal items, and small pieces of furniture (or holiday gifts you want to off load) please contact Nadine Stocklin. We will also need volunteers to help the day of, but first we are collecting items! Signups to come. All proceeds will go to BHS Music Boosters!
Interested in Helping the BHS Music Boosters?Â
We need to start filling Music Boosters Exec Board and Committee positions for next year!
- Co-Presidents
- VP of Choir
- VP of Chamber Orchestra
- Parent Group Rep
- Graphic Design and Publicity (posters, programs, etc)
- Marching Uniforms Coordinator(s)
- Tux and Dress Coordinator(s)
- Possibly - Spring Tour Lead(s)
Nominating Committee will be needed in the late winter/early spring, and new volunteers will be voted in at the April boosters meeting. I know it seems like a long time from now, but it's really not! If you can think of an incoming parent who might be interested in any of the above positions, please connect us! Here is a list of the BHS Music Boosters exec board and committee leads.
Recent Events
Stanford Jazz Fest 12-07-24
Saturday, 12/7: Stanford Jazz Festival
Our very own Jazz Ensemble will be performing today at the Stanford Jazz Festival. SJW (Stanford Jazz Workshop) has provided a livestream link for all the performances at the link below. Please feel free to share and be sure to watch BHS perform today at 2:30pm.Â
Livestream link: https://stanfordjazz.org/sjw-jazz-festival-fall-2024/
WinterFest 12-06-24
(Photos/Videos Coming Soon)
Winter Concert 12-04-24
Burlingame High School's talented bands, strings, and choir host a magical evening of music!Â
Special Thanks to Alex Karanov who pulled double duty on Wednesday night and videoed the Winter Concert as well as performed in the Concert Band! Please enjoy the video Alex created below.Â
Thank you to all the Winter Concert volunteers who helped check in ticket holders and sell baked goods! Special thanks to: Jenny R., Eileen C., Ruth S., Suzanne L, Leslie T., Jill S. Julia K., Olive O., Jung L., Birte S., Karen J., Tricia T., Olga K., and Alvin V. Also, special thanks to Ms. Yamamoto and Maree H. for marketing the event!
Choir @ Warriors Game 11-20-24

Little Big Game Half-Time Show 11-09-24
Home Football Game - Night Show Performance 10-25-24
Car Wash Fundraiser for Disney Tour 10-19-24
When: Saturday, October 19 - 2pm - 5pm
Where: Trousdale @ Ashton in Burlingame (by Franklin Elementary)
$20 per car, $25 per larger vehicle
Water and snacks will also be sold.

DISNEY TOUR / BHS Wind Ensemble  1-15-23
DISNEY TOUR / BHS Jazz & Choir Ensemble  1-15-23
LITTLE BIG GAME Â 11-05-22 (videos)
LITTLE BIG GAME 11-05-22 (pictures)
BHS BAND NIGHT FIELD SHOW * October-27-2022 (video)
BHS BAND NIGHT FIELD SHOW * October-27-2022 (photos)
Burlingame Pet Parade * September-17-2022 (video)
BHS Spring Concert * April-28-2022 (videos)
BHS Spring Concert * April-28-2022 (photos)
BHS Band & Choir Play-A-Thon * April-23-2022 (photos)
BHS Band & Choir Play-A-Thon * April-23-2022 (video)
98th Annual Winter Concert * December-8-2021
Jazz Band Performance @ SMUHSD Jazz Festival * Nov-19-2021
Congratulations on the great performance at the SMUHSD Jazz Festival!Â